Areas of activity

The methodological work of the department is carried out in the following areas:
1. Ensuring the educational process:
– development of the curriculum and the syllabi of training modules;
– development of practical materials: lesson plans, textbooks, texts with designed tasks, grammar tasks, tests; packages of lexical and grammatical exercises, role-playing games.
– organization of self-study of students: compilation of methodological instructions or selection of texts with practice tasks;
– individual work: translations required by profiling departments, topics of abstracts, recommended literature, online resource links, terminological dictionaries.
2. Preparation and publication of manuals, methodical instructions and didactic materials.
3. Development of criteria for the rating system of student assessment in accordance with the Regulations on the rating system.
4. Development of tests for initial, midterm and final control.
5. Development of assessment tests.
6. Development of the assignments for final testing of bachelors (to identify the level of language command).
7. Preparation of test variants.
8. Compilation of terminological dictionaries.
9. Development of library research paper topics and a selection of recommended literature (periodicals, online resource links, etc.).
10. Creating a library of electronic media.
11. Introduction of multimedia technologies into the educational process. Development of appropriate material support.
12. Introduction of language portfolio for engineers.
13. Organization of faculty and university scientific and practical student conferences for students of the 3rd and 4th years of study.
14. Conducting ethics education with students.
Each teacher plans the workload at the beginning of the year, and reports on the work done at the end.