Scientific groups and schools

Group 1

School: School of theory and modern methods of teaching foreign languages

Cluster: Culture, creativity, and an inclusive society

2.1. Democracy and power

2.2. Social and economic transformations

Group name:

Preparing XX century students for social and economic transformations of a global society.

Topic: Four Cs: communication, collaboration, critical thinking (problem-solving), creativity (innovation).

Development of “soft skills” necessary for rapid adaptation to new professional conditions.


Tasks and perspective developments:

  1. Development and implementation of conceptual principles of state policy on the development of the English language in the field of higher education (in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine).
  2. Development of recommendations for free economic zones on the implementation of conceptual frameworks (in cooperation with the British Council in Ukraine).
  3. Certification based on Microsoft as part of the XXIst Century Learning Design course (in collaboration with Dinternal Education).
  4. Creating learning trajectories for students of non-language faculties taking into account the necessary flexible skills (soft skills).

Supervisor: Professor, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Simkova I. O.

Members of the group: Medvedchuk A. V, Antonenko I. I, Tyshсhenko M. A., Kornytska Yu. A., Tuliakova K. R.

Group 2

School: School of theory and modern methods of teaching foreign languages

Cluster 4. Digital technologies, industry, and space

 4.6. New enabling technologies

 Name of the group: Technological opportunities in the educational process: new dimensions.

Topic: The use of interactive technologies in English-language training of students of non-language faculties

Tasks and perspective developments:

  1. Development and testing of methods of using screencasting to support distance and blended learning in the process of English-language training of students of non-language faculties.
  2. 2. Monitoring and selection of English distance learning courses for independent work of students and their self-education.
  3. Promoting the level of English-language scientific training of students by involving them in international multimedia conferences, forums, professional projects, etc.
  4. Implementation of the University development strategy for interuniversity cooperation by providing English translation of the tasks for the open student competition in programming “KPI-OPEN”.

Members of the group: Haidenko Yu. O., Kozubska I. H., Kolisnyk M. P., Ogurtsova O. L., Bondarenko O. I.

 Scientific groups of the division

 During the reporting period, the following scientific groups worked productively:

1) “Preparing XXI century students for social and economic transformations of a global society” under the guidance of Professor, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Simkova I. O.

 In the reporting year, using the results of the work performed, there have been:

– defended: 1 candidate’s dissertation;

– published in scientific journals: 9 articles including:

– professional publications of Ukraine – 4;

– foreign publications of OECD countries – 2;

– the publications included in the scientometric database Scopus – 1;

– editions included in the scientometric database Web of Science – 2.

Moreover, 1 monograph has been published in a foreign publication and 11 reports have been made at conferences.

2) “Technological opportunities in the educational process: new dimensions” under the guidance of Associate Professor, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Dukhanina N. M.

In the reporting year using the results of work performed, 3 articles have been published including:

– professional publications of Ukraine – 2;

– publications included in the Copernicus scientometric database – 1.

Moreover, 17 reports have been made at conferences.