Complex testing assignments in the discipline “Foreign language”
The assessment of results is carried out in accordance with European standards on a 100-point score. The results obtained during testing are subject to quantitative calculation, on the basis of which the assessment is made. The assessment criteria are lexical and grammatical correctness of the control tasks performed by students.
The maximum number of points is 100.
The set of complex testing assignments has got 6 tasks.
The first and second test tasks are evaluated at 15 points each, i.e., 3 points for one question.
The third and fourth test tasks are evaluated at 20 points each, i.e., 1 point for one question.
The fifth and sixth test tasks are evaluated at 15 points each, i.e., 3 points for one question.
Grading system
100……….90 “excellent ”
89…….…75 “good”
74…….…60 “satisfactory”
59…….….0 “fail”
ФСП-ФС – Приклад ККЗ
ФСП-ФП – Приклад ККЗ
ФММ – Приклад ККЗ
ФПМ – Приклад ККЗ
ФІОТ – Приклад ККЗ
ФБМІ – Приклад ККЗ
ФБТ – Приклад ККЗ
РТФ – Приклад ККЗ
ІПСА – Приклад ККЗ
ВПІ – Приклад ККЗ