Категорія: НОВИНИ
The Educational and Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering (Institute of MMI) of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute has successfully completed participation in the project ‘Renovation of Education in the field of aircraft construction’ (uCAREER) and showed high results in creating…
What security challenges await Ukraine in the future, relations between Ukraine and NATO and how the American experience can help Ukraine win this war – a number of topical issues were discussed by representatives of the Defence Forces and world…
Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute will involve the best practices, innovations and expertise of the Ukrainian Deminers Association (UDA) to overcome one of the most pressing problems today – demining of Ukrainian territories. 💥💥💥 A number of educational and training…
On 1 October 2024, the Kyiv Basketball Championship started. This year’s competition involves 12 men’s university teams, including the team of Kyiv Polytechnic. In the first game of the championship, the KPI team confidently defeated the team of the National…
Oleksandr Konotopskyi, a graduate of the Institute of Telecommunication Systems of Kyiv Polytechnic and founder of Ajax Systems (a leader in security systems and the Internet of Things), visited Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute to deepen and expand cooperation with…
One of the most anticipated events of student life – Spartakiad 2024 – has started in Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. The competition for the title of the best, strongest and smartest faculty of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute started…
Професори факультету лінгвістики Ірина Сімкова та Юліана Лавриш, у співпраці з колегами з Університету Північної Кароліни Вілмінгтон (UNCW), США, продовжують плідно працювати над проєктом «EmpowerED: покращення викладання англійської мови з метою посилення стійкості освітнього середовища в Україні». Метою цього проєкту…
Запрошуємо до участі у ІІ Всеукраїнському конкурсі студентських наукових робіт «Contemporary trends in corporate responsibility: economic, marketing, sociological, legal and publishing perspective» з англійської мови та суспільних наук. Цілі конкурсу: Вивчення сучасних тенденцій корпоративної відповідальності з економічної, маркетингової, соціологічної, правової…
On 21 August, Melexis-Ukraine handed over a set of modern electronic equipment to Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute to equip the joint educational and research laboratory at the Faculty of Electronics. The acceptance and transfer agreement was signed by the…