Категорія: Без категорії

КПІшник — серед найкращих студентів світу

Студент ПБФ КПІ Ігор Клименко увійшов до фіналу Всесвітньої студентської премії Global Student Prize. Він став одним з претендентів на нагороду у 100 000 доларів, яку отримає найкращий студент планети. 2014-го, коли почалася війна, хлопець вчився у 5-му класі. Ігор…

ДЕТАЛЬНІШЕ КПІшник — серед найкращих студентів світу

Газета “Київський політехнік” №27-28 за 2022

Опубліковано 27-28 номер газети “Київський політехнік” за 2022 рік.

ДЕТАЛЬНІШЕ Газета “Київський політехнік” №27-28 за 2022

Тестування на РВМ В2 буде відновлено з 07.09.2022

Шановні здобувачі вищої освіти! Тестування на РВМ В2 буде відновлено з 07.09.2022 і проходитиме в онлайн режимі. Ви можете реєструватися починаючи з 05.09.2022. Для проходження тестування необхідно завантажити додаток Zoom і мати доступ до швидкісного Інтернету, оскільки тестування буде здійснюватися…

ДЕТАЛЬНІШЕ Тестування на РВМ В2 буде відновлено з 07.09.2022

Advertising, PR, Editing, and Journalism at Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. Darya Barsukova, 3rd Year Student of VPI. CAMPUS #52

🎯Zero sum game at VPI. 👥Student competition and what makes it possible to compete for the best major? 🗣Advertising, PR, editing, journalism, printing machines, art – Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute successfully competes with specialised universities. ✍️ What is admission…

ДЕТАЛЬНІШЕ Advertising, PR, Editing, and Journalism at Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. Darya Barsukova, 3rd Year Student of VPI. CAMPUS #52

In Remembrance of Oleksandr Kondratiuk

Oleksandr studied at Faculty of Chemical Technology of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute extramurally, and received a bachelor’s degree in Chemical technology. In 2016, he started the 1st year of the master’s degree at the Faculty of Biotechnology and Biotechnics….

ДЕТАЛЬНІШЕ In Remembrance of Oleksandr Kondratiuk

Beginning of the Autumn Semester in Ukrainian Higher Education Institutions

Ukrainian higher education institutions have autonomy, so they can decide for themselves in which format to start the academic year. According to the results of a survey among students and teachers, Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute chose a distance learning…

ДЕТАЛЬНІШЕ Beginning of the Autumn Semester in Ukrainian Higher Education Institutions

Professor at Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute Has Won the Championship

The professor at Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute became a prize-winner of the Small European Championship in athletics. Historian Borys Kovalsky represented Ukraine in five disciplines at competitions in the Czech Republic and won gold for the javelin throw, three…

ДЕТАЛЬНІШЕ Professor at Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute Has Won the Championship

Graduates of the Institute of Special Communications and Information Protection of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute Are Key Players in Cyber Front

“TSN” had an exclusive interview with state special communications officers and for the first time talked about the struggle on the cyber front. The head of the State Service of Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine Yurii Shchyhol, the…

ДЕТАЛЬНІШЕ Graduates of the Institute of Special Communications and Information Protection of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute Are Key Players in Cyber Front

Lecture “Heraldry As a Symbolic System. Symbolics of the Armed Forces of Ukraine”

DEW together with Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute Library organized a lecture where you will learn about: 🔹 heraldry and the history of its origin; 🔹 symbols of the Armed Forces of Ukraine; 🔹 coats of arms and emblems; 🔹…

ДЕТАЛЬНІШЕ Lecture “Heraldry As a Symbolic System. Symbolics of the Armed Forces of Ukraine”

Students of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute Completed Their Internship at Rivne NPP

Nine students of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute got practically acquainted with what they studied at the lectures, and saw the peculiarities of the work of the chemical shop, the radiation safety shop, the services of safety analysis, and equipment…

ДЕТАЛЬНІШЕ Students of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute Completed Their Internship at Rivne NPP