Silver at the international exhibition

2021.10.13-16 Срібло КПІшниці на міжнародній виставці

FIOT first-year student Olga Borovik won silver at the INOVA 2021 International Exhibition of Inventors, which took place on October 13-16 this year in Zagreb (Croatia).

Olga presented the work “Lens with variable optical characteristics”.

The invention is two elastic films, the distance between which is filled with glycerin. The paper derives the formula for the dependence of the optical power on the changed volume and vice versa.
“The exhibition offline is an unforgettable experience, new opportunities, new acquaintances and impressions. It is an incredibly inspiring journey, – ”the student comments on the experience of participating in the competition.

The help of teachers is the most important thing for Olga to study at FIOT. “Everything will be explained in the second or third round, just to make it clear. Lots of interesting new subjects and a wonderful teaching staff, ” – says Olga about studying at Kyiv Polytechnic.