On a first name basis with artificial intelligence: the School of Creativity started in KPI

On a first name basis with artificial intelligence: the School of Creativity started in KPI

The time of the fourth School of Creativity Vol.4. has come! This time the focus of creative students and lecturers is on artificial intelligence technologies.

On the first day of classes, the coolest scientists and experts in the field of artificial intelligence brainstormed with students: V. Sineglazov, V. Guskova, and V. Osaulenko.

So will AI replace humans? This question, in particular, was answered today by Olga Osinska, head of the expert group on the development of educational technologies and innovations at the country’s most modern ministry, the Ministry of Digital Transformation.

“Artificial intelligence is a very cool tool, but it will never replace humans. After all, in many intellectual professions, the creative component is extremely important. Therefore, artificial intelligence cannot replace a person who has such soft skills as emotional intelligence and communication,” Ms. Olha is convinced.

The second part of the School of Creativity was held at the KPI World Data Center for Geoinformatics and Sustainable Development. It is there that polytechnics will apply AI in their own innovative projects over the next two days. They will also develop creative thinking for student project activities, learn to form teamwork, and develop project management.

The project was launched at the initiative of the KPI Student Parliament NGO with the support of the university administration and Noosphere Engineering School.