Congratulations to the winners of the XVI Olympiad on circuit theory “TEC’2023” !!!


On November 23d, 2023, the XVI Open Student Circuit Theory Olympiad was held, which is annually held by the Department of Electronic Engineering of the Faculty of Electronics and is dedicated to the memory of Professor Vitaliy Sigorsky, an outstanding scientist and pedagog who worked at our university from 1964 till 2007. The Olympiad was held on-line and students of the technical faculties of NTUU “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” took part in it, as well as from the Hochschule für Technik,Wirtschaft und Kultur, Leipzig, Deutchland and The University of York, United Kingdom.

The winners are:

І place – Dmytro Osadchuck ( Department of Radioengineering),

ІI place – Ivan Rubtzov (Department of Radioelectronics),

IIІ place – Dmytro Yakovenko (Department of Radioelectronics).

All winners are students of the Faculty of Radio Engineering
We thank everyone for participating in the Olympiad and for the high results achieved. We invite you to the XVII Circuit Theory Olympiad TEK’2024, which will take place in November next year.

Organising Committee “TEK’2023”

We invite you to the XVI Open Student Olympiad on Electronic Circuit Theory “TEK’2023” which is dedicated to memory Professor Vitaly P. Sigorsky

The Olympiad is held in online mode by the National Technical University of Ukraine
“Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” on November 23d, 2023 (Thursday) from 4:00 p.m. till 6:00 p.m. (CET) in Google Classroom at the link

You can join the Google Classroom beginning of 3:40 p.m. (CET)

Please register in advance to participate the Olympiad and
find out about the important details at the link

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