Категорія: НОВИНИ
Dear staff and students of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. I wish not to believe in what is happening now. However, 1. The Dormitory Campus has a coordination headquarters headed by O.A. Ishchenko (0677323329). After giving the siren, the students…
24.02.2022 at 4:30 the Russian Federation announced a military operation against Ukraine. Our country is under heavy bombing and invasion by the troops of the Russian Federation. All these days, Russian troops have been heavily bombing Ukraine’s border areas, striking…
Specialists of the World Data Center of Geoinformatics and Sustainable Development (WDC-Ukraine) prepared a dashboard based on the interactive map with shelter addresses for the population of Kyiv. The scientists posted it on the website of the Kyiv City State…
Задля задоволення освітніх потреб та сприяння розвитку творчих здібностей обдарованих студентів факультету біотехнології і біотехніки КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського було проведено конкурс презентацій «Innovations in Biotechnology» з англійської мови та біологічних наук серед студентів 5-го курсу ФБТ у період з…
To deliver the information, you will hear the sound of an electric siren – a warning signal “ATTENTION TO EVERYONE!” (its length is 3-5 minutes). An electric siren (campus building 1) and loudspeakers along the street Politehnichna and Square of…
Dear Michael Zgurovsky! Please accept our warmest congratulations and best wishes on the occasion of your birthday! Being the Head of the best technical University in the country is a very complicated and responsible mission that requires experience and wisdom,…
The Cybermetrics Lab has published universities’ transparency ratings based on the citation ratio of their leading scientists in Google Scholar profiles. The new Google Scholar Citations ranking includes about 5,000 universities around the world. 87 of them are universities of…
A meeting was held with Honorary President of the Kyiv School of Economics Tymofiy Mylovanov. The meeting members discussed the joint training of specialists in nuclear energy. The Institute of Nuclear and Heat Power Engineering based on FHPE will be…
З метою створення умов задоволення освітніх потреб та підтримки обдарованих студентів факультету біотехнології і біотехніки КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського буде проведено конкурс презентацій «Innovations in Biotechnology» з англійської мови та білологічних наук серед студентів 5-го курсу ФБТ у період з…
January 27 is designated the International Holocaust Remembrance Day in Ukraine and worldwide. On this day in 1945, the troops of the 1st Ukrainian Front released the prisoners of the German Nazi concentration camps and extermination centers Auschwitz-Birkenau, near Auschwitz,…