Місяць: Березень 2022
З метою створення умов задоволення освітніх потреб та підтримки обдарованих студентів радіотехнічного факультету КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського конкурс «Technology and Society» з англійської мови та інженерної справи серед студентів 3-го курсу РТФ у період з 7 по 11 березня 2022…
Curriculum attachments. Type codes: – theoretical training ( intersession period ). _ – a theoretical study S – session, E – examinations, V – vacation P – practice EW – credit-examination week , DP – diploma project, SC – state certification (held within the time specified by the curriculum)…
Scientists of the university organize a number of scientific and practical conferences and seminars. Scientific activities are an important part of a comprehensive, systematic approach to creative learning and intensive scientific research.
EEE BlackSeaCom 2022 will be held in the beautiful city of Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria, a few hours away from the Black Sea coast. Themed Communications and Networking for Digital and Green Transitions, the conference is seeking high-quality and…
CALL FOR PAPERS 2022 IEEE 8th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENERGY SMART SYSTEMS IEEE ESS-2022 CONFERENCE TOPICS 1. SMART ENERGY POWER AND ENERGY ENGINEERING Smart Power Generation, Operations and Planning Smart Grids Transmission and Distribution Resilient Power Systems…
2022 IEEE 41st International Conference on Electronics and Nanotechnology (ELNANO) will be held in frames of IEEE Kyiv Polytechnic Week on May 16-20, 2022 at Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. The wellknown professionals as well as post-graduate students from Armenia,…
Dear staff and students of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. I wish not to believe in what is happening now. However, 1. The Dormitory Campus has a coordination headquarters headed by O.A. Ishchenko (0677323329). After giving the siren, the students…
24.02.2022 at 4:30 the Russian Federation announced a military operation against Ukraine. Our country is under heavy bombing and invasion by the troops of the Russian Federation. All these days, Russian troops have been heavily bombing Ukraine’s border areas, striking…
Specialists of the World Data Center of Geoinformatics and Sustainable Development (WDC-Ukraine) prepared a dashboard based on the interactive map with shelter addresses for the population of Kyiv. The scientists posted it on the website of the Kyiv City State…