День: 26.03.2023
Ihor Gryshko, Chairman of the Board of the Kyiv Polytechnic Charitable Foundation for the Support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine: “Together We Are Bringing Our Victory Closer!” As our newspaper has already reported, the Kyiv Polytechnic Charitable Foundation for…
Lecturers and more than 50 students of 15 faculties came in on online studies as part of the international academic mobility programme of the East Bavarian Technical University of Applied Sciences Amberg-Weiden within the DILLUGIS 2023 project (Digital Labs &…
A two-day rock festival organized by the “Rock it” Music Workshop took place at the Student Consolidation Center. About 30 bands from the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute performed on stage in front of the audience two days in a…
What should the Student Council actually do? Is the Student Council really a bridge between students and the university administration? What does participation in the Student Council result in? What is it for? Is the format of student self-government effective?…
The female student team of the Faculty of Informatics and Computer Engineering — CODE BRYKSY consisting of Liudmyla Horbunova, Svitlana Barytska, Viktoriia Myts and Yelyzaveta Horbunova became one of the winners of the SheBuilds Ukraine Hackathon. They received a prize…