Opening of an innovative laboratory for KPI heat engineers

Opening of an innovative laboratory for KPI heat engineers

Kyiv Polytechnic students will be able to comprehensively study the entire air treatment system and manage ventilation systems on the basis of the newly created Scientific and Educational Laboratory “Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning”. The equipment for the laboratory was a gift from LLC “Profinstall” and Aerostar, top entrepreneurs in the heating, ventilation and air conditioning industry.

“This laboratory is unique, because the functionality of this type of laboratory is mainly aimed at studying the operation of only a certain equipment, its parameters, characteristics, and principles of operation. Therefore, when designing this laboratory, my main task was to make it comprehensive, so that students would study the entire system in a comprehensive manner. We strive to raise the level of specialists for our industry,” says Arseniy Lyashenko, CEO of LLC “Profinstall”.

“Our company’s colleagues are tomorrow’s KPI graduates. Therefore, we are very interested in training, development and improvement of the technological base for students,” Denys Bulychov, Technical Director of Aerostar LLC.

This powerful laboratory duplicates the production processes and provides an opportunity to observe, research and control the processes in real time:

  • air preparation, cooling and heating;
  • work with the automation system;
  • monitor humidity and temperature.

“I am sincerely grateful to our partners for their support. This laboratory is an example of a socially responsible business that is ready to invest in the training of highly qualified personnel. Constant updating of the educational and material base as one of the points of the University Development Strategy is our main priority today!”, Anatoliy Melnychenko, Rector of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.

The laboratory will complement the material and technical base of the Department of Thermal and Alternative Energy of the Educational and Research Institute of Nuclear and Thermal Energy of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute (Institute of IATE) and will be open not only to students of the Institute of IATE, but also to everyone who wants to study and create scientific projects in the field of thermal energy.