KPI is among the most popular universities in Ukraine

Our university has always been and remains among the most desirable universities in Ukraine. According to the information system “Vstup.OSVITA.UA”, this year more than 720 thousand applications were submitted to the university from applicants who enter after the 11th grade…

ДЕТАЛЬНІШЕ KPI is among the most popular universities in Ukraine

Summer school on materials microscopy in Germany

For a week, a group of students of the E.O. Paton Institute of Materials Science and Technology, accompanied by Associate Professor of the Department of Welding Production Natalia Strelenko, visited the University of Stuttgart. During the six working days of…

ДЕТАЛЬНІШЕ Summer school on materials microscopy in Germany

Joint meeting of the Admissions Committee and the Administrative Council 07.08.2023

Joint meeting of the Admissions Committee and the Administrative Council. The most important thing About the admission campaign This year’s volume of state orders is almost the same as last year. 3905 people are recommended for admission to the full-time…

ДЕТАЛЬНІШЕ Joint meeting of the Admissions Committee and the Administrative Council 07.08.2023

KPI students develop a unique water filter

KPI students are developing the first Ukrainian ceramic filter that will purify water even from a swamp or infected with bacteria. It will allow defenders at the front to always have clean water. Master’s students Yuliia Molchan and Hlib Ivzhenko…

ДЕТАЛЬНІШЕ KPI students develop a unique water filter

KPI graduate Anton Klitnyi died

Anton graduated from the FSP in 2015 with a degree in law. “Anton was a wonderful person, a talented lawyer, a caring son and father. He is survived by a small child! Low bow to his parents for raising a…

ДЕТАЛЬНІШЕ KPI graduate Anton Klitnyi died

The joint project of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute and the University of Sheffield has determined the winners

On June 30, 2023, the first stage of the “Building Back Better” project, a joint acceleration program of the University of Sheffield and Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, ended. This phase began on May 23 with intensive trainings on the…

ДЕТАЛЬНІШЕ The joint project of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute and the University of Sheffield has determined the winners

Charity football tournament in June 2023

Six teams took part in the competition: 🔹 ISZZI; 🔹 Team “Polytechnic”; 🔹 team of parents; 🔹 Team of veterans; 🔹 team of the Security Department; 🔹 team of the trade union committee. In a fierce struggle, the team of…

ДЕТАЛЬНІШЕ Charity football tournament in June 2023

“Drawing the Future” exhibition in the DPM

On June 1, the whole world celebrated the International Children’s Day. Unfortunately, the Children’s Day in 2023 in Ukraine was held in the context of war. But it did not prevent the Charitable Foundation “Development. Children. Future” Charitable Foundation and…

ДЕТАЛЬНІШЕ “Drawing the Future” exhibition in the DPM

Cooperation of KPI with ATHENA

Scientific and technical cooperation in the fields of space research, IT technologies and cybersecurity is envisaged.     Cooperation Scientific cooperation

ДЕТАЛЬНІШЕ Cooperation of KPI with ATHENA

The center of prosthetics and rehabilitation will work in KPI

KPI engineers will develop and manufacture innovative prostheses for the military that will allow them to live without restrictions. Ukrainian enterprises and public organizations are interested in the RND center. The parties signed a memorandum of cooperation.     FBMI

ДЕТАЛЬНІШЕ The center of prosthetics and rehabilitation will work in KPI